Le 21eme Arrondissement
www.21arrondissement.com Twitter: @le21eme
Adam Sinding describes his street-style blog as "the eyes of a city, taking to the streets, capturing the nuances of Seattle's fashion-liberated." He also covers street fashion in Paris and has had the good fortune of shooting on of fashion's greatest icons, Andre Leon Talley.
Darrah's Dresser
www.DarrahsDresser.com Twitter: @DarrahChristel
Darrah Christel follows the local event scene, interviews up-and-coming designers, and writes with an editorial view on the fashion industry. With regards to FASHION FIRST, Darrah is looking forward to seeing some of the top talent in the area showcase their designs.
Fashion Network Seattle (formerly Seattle Fashion TV)
www.fashionnetworkseattle.com Twitter: @seafashiontv
For the past year, Seattle Fashion Network has been covering local fashion events and people, including designers, models, and photographers. Shalonne Foster and Cynarah Ellawala are excited to see the local designers featured in the Seattle Magazine Seamless in Seattle set at FASHION FIRST.
Seattle Boutique Blogspot
www.seattleboutiqueblogspot.com Twitter: @sydlovesfashion
Sydney Chavez is a huge fan of local indie boutiques and is often the first to report on new shop openings and upcoming sales, events, and promotions. A one-time FASHION FIRST team member, Sydney remains an ardent supporter of the 'best runway show' in Seattle. Thanks Syd!
www.skinnypurse.com Twitter: @skinnypurse
Andrea Wingert founded Skinnypurse a few years ago to focus on fashion trends, beauty product reviews, and the occasional smokin' hot retail deal. She confesses that some of her favorite local shops will be represented at FASHION FIRST, including Lizzie Parker, The Finerie, Clutch, Zovo, and Report - and she loves that they're coming together for a great cause.
Editor Sarah Elizabeth Caples has assembled a team of bloggers ready to hit the hottest fashion spot at any given moment. This thoughtful blog dares to marry fashion and intellect, resulting in a chronicle of an entirely new view of Seattle philanthropy, fashion, and community and a welcome new addition to the Seattle style blogosphere.
www.needleplusthread.com Twitter: @kammart
In just 16 months, Kam Martin has achieved quite the following. Needle + Thread is the spot to see Seattle style on full display. From street shots to event coverage, Kam documents the Seattle scene and showcases best dressed Seattlites. Her favorite thing about FASHION FIRST is the focus on local design.
Do you have a favorite Seattle style blog? Let us know in the comments section. We want to hear about it.
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